Родила шест деца и имала 140 килограми: Со месеци не можела да стане од кревет, а потоа...





Големина на фонт

а а а

Шесте бремености оставиле трага на линијата на 30-годишната Кречл Картер, па дури и нејзината телесна тежина достигнала 140 килограми.

Ѝ била дијагностицирана хронична болест, па со месеци лежела, била подложна на операции и третмани со стероиди.

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One year well eleven months difference. I feel like my ass looks photoshopped not because it’s magnificent but because it’s pointy ?? What is that point :/// I’m told this is the glute muscle growing? I’m not complaining. Do you know how cool it is reshaping your body with hard work? So cool!!! This year has been one heck of a journey. I couldn’t have done it without the support of my friends and the husband @dad_vs_life I really am super proud of how far I’ve come. I was worried my wisdom teeth surgery would derail all of my work. Maybe I would rest too much or maybe I would not be able to get back into the swing of things! But after just 7 days a couple of walks some games of netball and a couple of lifting sessions. I am back to normal life. I rested I took time when I needed it and then I went back to my active life. I am getting an iron infusion this week because of low iron levels. Im hoping this will give me some more energy because I have been struggling lately. This was a good reminder if you’re struggling to check in with your GP it’s not always just being “lazy or unmotivated”. There are a number of things that can cause exhaustion and regular health checks are so so important. Over the weekend I was reminded that my health risks are real, they’re forever and keeping myself checked up on needs to always be a priority. So if you ever feel like something is wrong, different or your not feeling yourself talk to a doctor ASAP- nothing is too small. I’m excited and grateful to see what the next 12 months hold. I’ve been asked a lot lately what my goal “weight” is. I feel like I more have life goals like “move consistently” “eat healthy” “hydrate” “. I don’t know what my “weight goal” is anymore - I just want to be healthy. That may change and I’ll let you know if it does. If there is one thing I’ve learnt lately it’s that changing your mind or learning new things it’s all apart of growth. You can’t rule anything out. You don’t know everything. There’s always more to learn. I look forward to learning a whole heap more about the body and health and sharing it with you all. Thanks for listening :) Krechelle Xx

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„Знам дека е тешко и застрашувачки, но би било многу полошо да умрете во кревет и да знаете дека никогаш не сте се обиделе нешто да промените. Тоа го сфатив пред една година. Не можев да стојам подолго од 45 минути, останував без воздух и се заморував“, напишала Кречл.

Одлучна да ослабне и да оздрави, за 12 месеци успеала да ослабне дури 70 килограми.

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Trying to learn to not put a filter on my picture even if it is for editing purposes. Like to make it brighter to see better! Because the real version of me Is better then a filtered version. You filter water not people. Gather round and let me take you back six months ago. I went for my first ever park run because my homie wanted to for her birthday- so I did it/ I finished in like 56 minutes, it’s a 5km race, but hey as long as it was under an hour I would be okay with that and I was! I was exhausted, I had blisters; it was not great. Look in February the fact that I even finished it when it was that hot was a miracle. Fast forward to this morning to my run walking and taking it fairly cruisey- hit the old 5km in 38 minutes. Im no maths genius but that’s 18 minutes quicker, yeah buddy. I’m super proud of how far I’ve come and continue to go and it looks like I just missed the rain here in Adelaide! Now for a day off sorting toys before Christmas hits and my kids have not enough places to put new things. I’ve tried to follow cleaning schedules but with us crazies (ahem*** I mean creatives). You kind of have to do whatever feel is right for you as long as I’m still doing something ???? Sorting toys feels right! Hope you all have a wonderful Sunday xx

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Го зголемила бројот на чекори од 1.500 на 15.000 на ден, а од 3.000 калории колку што внесувала, почнала да внесува 1.500 до 2.000.

„Не сум на некоја посебна диета. Би рекла дека мојата исхрана е најслична на медитеранската, но наместо риба јадам пилешко месо. Јадам многу протеини и постам 16 часа дневно. Пијам две кафиња и две литри вода. Шетам со кучињата по 10 километри, а 45 минути тренирам со тегови, откако ќе ги заспијам децата. Среќна сум и здрава“, открила таа.

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Do you know why I take comparison photos? Because I’m proud?! Of both versions of me. Sometimes people will make comments like “you know no body cares what you weigh it’s what inside that counts” And yes I agree what is inside me does count, my soul and my heart and my mind and every single fiber of my being. But while my outside looked like the before photo there isn’t a doubt in my mind that my insides were struggling too physically and mentally. And if I continued the way I was it would have killed me. Now I still have these struggles but no where near as bad as I did this time last year. What scared me is that I knew the larger I was the higher my mortality rate was. And staying that way for much longer wasn’t an option I would take if I could avoid it. I truely believe that we need to get comfortable talking about the fact that obesity kills people everyday. And it’s something that’s in our power to change- it’s not easy but we can change it. You can love yourself and still want to loose weight, in fact you have to love yourself; that’s the real kicker when people think that you can’t, when really it’s key. And that’s why I share my story. As living proof of where hard work can take you and also to keep track of my progress. I talk about it so passionately because I have had health problems that I could not change. I have had problems that are 1 in a million. And at times I’ve felt that’s rather unfair. But you know what else is unfair, putting my body through another second of being over weight when I was in control of that. It was a hard road to take but it’s been worth every minute. This isn’t a tale about hating on myself as a bigger person it’s about me learning to love myself enough to give myself the best chance I can at living my life to its fullest most extensive. And I promise you this the version of me on the left would not make it as far as the version of me on the right. While I don’t loose weight to weigh a certain number or look a certain way. I am loosing weight. And I am proud of that. Because I don’t want to go anywhere anytime soon and it’s what’s on the inside that counts. Krechelle X

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И понатаму постојат денови кога ќе изеде нешто слатко, а најмногу сака сладолед.

„Не сакам да се ограничувам, туку водам посебен животен стил“, заклучила таа.

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One year well eleven months difference. I feel like my ass looks photoshopped not because it’s magnificent but because it’s pointy ?? What is that point :/// I’m told this is the glute muscle growing? I’m not complaining. Do you know how cool it is reshaping your body with hard work? So cool!!! This year has been one heck of a journey. I couldn’t have done it without the support of my friends and the husband @dad_vs_life I really am super proud of how far I’ve come. I was worried my wisdom teeth surgery would derail all of my work. Maybe I would rest too much or maybe I would not be able to get back into the swing of things! But after just 7 days a couple of walks some games of netball and a couple of lifting sessions. I am back to normal life. I rested I took time when I needed it and then I went back to my active life. I am getting an iron infusion this week because of low iron levels. Im hoping this will give me some more energy because I have been struggling lately. This was a good reminder if you’re struggling to check in with your GP it’s not always just being “lazy or unmotivated”. There are a number of things that can cause exhaustion and regular health checks are so so important. Over the weekend I was reminded that my health risks are real, they’re forever and keeping myself checked up on needs to always be a priority. So if you ever feel like something is wrong, different or your not feeling yourself talk to a doctor ASAP- nothing is too small. I’m excited and grateful to see what the next 12 months hold. I’ve been asked a lot lately what my goal “weight” is. I feel like I more have life goals like “move consistently” “eat healthy” “hydrate” “. I don’t know what my “weight goal” is anymore - I just want to be healthy. That may change and I’ll let you know if it does. If there is one thing I’ve learnt lately it’s that changing your mind or learning new things it’s all apart of growth. You can’t rule anything out. You don’t know everything. There’s always more to learn. I look forward to learning a whole heap more about the body and health and sharing it with you all. Thanks for listening :) Krechelle Xx

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