Славната пејачка драстично ја скрати косата и на Инстаграм го сподели новиот изглед





Големина на фонт

а а а

Познатата пејачка Пинк, има нова фризура, односно направила драстична промена на својот изглед.

Откако на Инстаграм-стори објави фотогафија од подот на фризерскиот салон полн со коса, ја покажала и новата фризура.

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Letting Go

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„Letting Go“, напишала едноставно во описот на фотографијата на која ја претставува својата нова кратка, војничка фризура, додека во рацете си ја држи скратената коса.

Пред шишањето, пејачката имаше фризура по која беше препознатлива, а ја менуваше само бојата.

Иако не покажа како ѝ прилега, за новата фризура пејачката веќе добила повеќе од половина милион лајкови и многу комплименти, а се истакнал и коментарот на една Селма Блер, која ѝ напишала дека сега се близначки, бидејќи и таа летово ја скратила косата.

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I slept two hours. There is a pain. In my head. In my throat where the tears start. I want to smell him. Tell him I am so proud of him. Hold him. And I will. Just not on his birthday. Which is today. It was a painful induced labor. He was weeks late according to doctors. I felt fine. He wouldn’t listen. And there was still fluid. But I was pressured , and agreed. Defeated. The inducing was horrific and no dilation. Full labor with no dilation. for 37 hours. I finally asked for an epidural. I was so at their mercy. And I had to protect him. I was scared of motherhood. My friend @juliedesanto , his godmother , drove two hours to be by my side. To hold my stricken face. To tell me I will be a good enough mother. Good enough. And I started to relax. He was born at 1021 this morning. July 25. I even had to fire a doctor who said I needed a c section. And got my beloved dr paul crane back in town to easily deliver our boy. Jason cut the cord and said he looked like me. And now my kid can cut his moms hair and make jokes and assure me just by being him that I am good enough. Even if we aren’t together for this birthday. Which makes tears well, I know he is happy with dad , dancing and playing on the beach later today. What more could I really ask for. Happy birthday. My son. I love you oceans, mama #arthursaintbleick ?. @cassblackbird ? #cassblackbird

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