Блогерка од Финска покажала како навистина изгледа телото на девојките на Инстаграм: Не сака да лаже, еве каква е без Фотошоп!





Големина на фонт

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Блогерката Сара Путо (20) од Финска е една од оние кои не ги обработуваат фотографиите на Фотошоп.

Сепак, блогерката користи Фотошоп за да ја покаже разликата помеѓу обработените и необработените фотографии.

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Perfection ? It’s crazy how the smallest movements and positioning of our bodies can make us feel so different about how we see ourselves. Why do we let such small things get to us so intensely? Whether it be a photo or catching your reflection or looking in a mirror and not liking what you see. Having a little thing like a number on a scale change how you feel. These things make us obsessed. Why do we give these things the power to do this to us? We strive for this idea of perfection that doesn’t even exist. Next time these things happen, ask yourself why you care so much. Ask yourself who benefits when you think these negative thoughts about your body. Challenge yourself to let go and realise that it does not matter as much as you think, and that you can and are able to accept yourself as you are now. Everyone has bad days. Everyone has “flaws”. Everyone has insecurities. Don’t forget to appreciate what you have until it’s too late. Life is short and unpredictable. We only get one chance at it. Don’t live everyday hating what you see. Allow yourself to realise there’s more to life than constantly worrying about how you look. ?☀️ ------------------------------------------ . . . #bodyconfidence #losehatenotweight #bopo #bikinibody #confidenceiskey #loa #lifeisshort

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„Денес тешко е да се сетиме дека вишокот килограми и надуеноста се нормални и дека тоа е нешто што се случува секому. Игнорирајте ги мислите како оние дека мора да изгледате вака или онака. Не мора да вежбате како луди, ниту секогаш да јадете здраво за да облечете бикини и да изгледате одлично на фотографиите“, пишува во една од нејзините објави на Инстаграм.

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Proud of my body ? You know that tummy pouch/bump that bloats whenever you eat or when you have your period or just exists on you that you never seem to see on people on Instagram? That’s one of the reasons I avoided wearing dresses. I worried that I looked pregnant and hated the way dresses accentuated this bump. I’ve heard other people complain about this too. But we should realise and accept the fact that people have these things and that it’s absolutely normal and does not need to be stressed about. No one has a flat tummy all the time and all year round. Yet nobody realises this because it’s not talked about or shown on social media as much as flat tummies are flaunted and glorified. Also we stress so much about how we look but nobody actually pays as much attention to the way you look as you think. We’re hyper aware of every little thing on our bodies because we see ourselves every day. So learn to accept and appreciate your body for the normal things it does. Our bodies look different every day, don’t worry about how you look in a skirt or dress because of a bump that majority of people have. Wear what you want cause you’ll look amazing in it no matter what!! ----------------------------------------- . . . #bloating #selfconfidenceiskey #learningtolovemyself #iamworthit #bekindtoyourself #changeyourthoughts

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„На фотографиите секогаш се трудам да го вовлечам стомакот или вешто да го сокријам со стратешка поза“, открила младата блогерка.

Нејзините следачи се благодарни што споделува позитивен став кон телото и се туди да ги промени болните идеали за убавина. 

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Arm fat ? Ive noticed a lot of people pose in ways to make their arms look smaller and get highly insecure when their arms look bigger than normal. Due to weight gain, I’ve been highly aware of how I pose my arms in photos to make them look smaller. I would call myself fat and tell myself I look gross whenever they did look big in photos. But we have to remember that arms have fat and muscle on them and will look different in different postures and poses. Don’t view one as negative and the other as positive. Allow yourself to realise that other people don’t see us how we see ourselves. They don’t see the negative thoughts and insecurities we have. We don’t see theirs. We are over critical of ourselves and let that negative voice in our heads make us feel ugly. It’s possible to ignore that voice and avoid constantly looking at yourself negatively. Become aware of how lovely you are as a person. How amazing you truly are and that these things you pick apart are not as bad as you make them out to be. Realise that these things are actually completely normal and human. You are great the way you are and that negative voice can’t tell you otherwise. Don’t obsess too much over these things and miss out on all the amazing things in life that are right in front of you. ?☀️ ------------------------------------------ . . . #effyourbeautystandards #lovewhoyouare #beconfident #iambeautiful #flawsandall #bodypositive #nobodyshame #embracethesquish

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